Here at "Linking Lifestyles" we believe that the relationships that continue are the ones that start based off of having like morals and sharing the same view on functionality. If you are honest at the initial stage of meeting someone about what you are looking for as far as thoughts and behavior and that person is honest as well then why wouldn't it work? If you start a relationship with making sure you have like morals and mutually agree on how the relationship will function you trouble shoot every complication that can possibly arise. If you have no moral conflicts with each other and you have the same outlook on how a relationship should function why wouldn't it work? With those major building blocks out of the way first, you can focus on other specifics that other dating sites jump to first like attraction, personality, and activities to do together.
Instead of starting off general and meeting a ton of people, we start you off super specific and allow you to branch out from there for what you are willing to compromise with if you do not immediately find someone who is exactly what you want. This is how matchmaking should be.
We are not in the business of shaming, judging, or advice giving unless requested. We are in the business of linking people with their lifestyle companion. How nice would it be if you knew going into your first date that the person you're about to meet is perfect for you instead of, "we'll meet and see how it goes." There is no right or wrong want or need in a consenting relationship. There is meeting someone who is right for you. We provide you with the structure and forum to do just that.